Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesAnarchists and rebels used to be fashionable. Any individual or group that was perceived to be fighting for the little guy or the middle class and against the rich and powerful were romanticized. Women and men both wanted to have Che Guevara’s baby, even knowing that he liked shooting pregnant women and children to send a message. Some message. Che baby was a Socialist fighting for Communism using Fascist tactics. Weak minded, poor and uneducated people adored him…and Uncle Fidel too. Banana republics loved Socialism. Yeah, yeah, then there’s Venezuela. Hungry?
Unions sprang up to protect the workers from industrial capitalist tyranny. The F.B.I. sprang up to protect the world from the Communists. The civil rights movements justly sprang up to fight against racism and discrimination. Some of the notable organizations that sprang up to fight for the rights of individuals and groups are :
There are millions of them. Some actually do some good. Many are NGOs and up to no good. Most, especially the present day ones are founded to advance the LEFTIST GLOBALIST WOKEIST movement and ideology and line the pockets of the rich people that the poor need protection from. The OCRD for instance. The LPC and those political parties that are desperately trying to ‘out liberal’ the liberals. These ‘helpful’ organizations are complicit in a plot to kill six or seven billion people and enslave all those allowed to live.
Occupy Wall street was a protest movement initiated in 2011 to protest the corporate greed and widespread economic inequality in New York and across the U.S. There were tag along events world wide. Occupy was also a delayed reaction to the planned economic collapse disaster of 2008. The occupiers were predominantly Liberals and Democrats trying, yet again, to blame the worlds woes on Republicans and Conservatives, woes that they themselves were responsible for. Obama was a Democrat. He fronted the droning of the middle east and the bailouts of large, unsecured creditors and large financial institutions. While their exact identities have not been made public, most are likely to have been large institutional investors such as banks, pension and mutual funds, insurance companies, and sovereigns. The estimated, total direct cost of crisis-related bailouts on a fair value basis was about $498 billion, which amounted to 3.5 percent of gross domestic product in 2009. Millions of citizens lost billions to creditors and investors and made poorer while the rich enriched themselves. The crisis was the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich ever posted. Occupy Wall street was supposed to be about the 99% against the 1%.
Ever since the first computer programming code was written, there have been computer users and enthusiasts who enjoy breaking that code. These enthusiasts have been given a now romanticized name of ‘hackers’. Computer hackers are unauthorized users who break into computer systems in order to steal, change or destroy information, often by installing dangerous malware without your knowledge or consent. Their clever tactics and detailed technical knowledge help them access the information you really don’t want them to have. Depending on your definition of good, hacking has the potential to bring down systems, technology, and malevolence that uses wealth to suppress and control people. Hackers could be modern, high tech. heroes fighting for the equitable distribution of wealth. They could be the Robin Hoods who steal from the rich to give to the poor and erase any debts owed to banks. They could tease out the dirty secrets that most people in power have and broadcast them to bring them to bring these criminals down. It could be powerful and beautiful.
Mr. Robot is an American drama thriller television series that ran from 2015 to 2019. The plot involves a computer hacker and a group called Fsociety who join talents to take down a global corporation called E Corp which symbolizes all global banks and industries that make up the 1%. The hackers and those that applaud and support them call E Corp, Evil Corp. Who wouldn’t be thrilled about sticking it to the man? It’s a great series that loses it’s plausibility in the last two seasons but should, could be inspiring. Where are the hackers that could save us from the Fourth Industrial Revolution or the Internet Of Things? Where are the bold, slightly nutty and sexy hackers that could stop this tyranny?
Where is Lisbeth Salander?
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