The Content Of One’s Character – Hero Or Villian?
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social Studies
Martin Luther King Jr. Day falls on January 20th. Let us genuflect and pray. Surely there is a flag to be flown at half mast or quarter mast. Take the knee if you have to. There is no question that MLKJR was a positive historical figure in the long, painful march for freedom and human rights in this century. Like many historical figures of change and human rights and Democracy, he was assassinated by ideologically and politically, if not financially driven subhumans. The words “content of one’s character” are notably associated with Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. These words were spoken on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. In this speech, King expressed his hope that one day people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. This means evaluating individuals based on their moral and ethical qualities rather than their racial or ethnic background. These words resonated then, at a time when equal rights for the black population and all people of color were at long last being justifiably sought. Martin Luther King was a hero to many. He claimed to have “been to the mountain top” as part of another famous speech that moved so many to tears but there is compelling evidence that he had been to some lower places and committed some unspeakable acts that nobody wants to examine for fear of being called racist…very much like denying The Holocaust, The Holodomor, The Armenian Genocide or The Residential School Genocides. The heroes of any attrocity are made by the narratives used to justify any attrocity – the victors. Only a truly free people can examine and speak and discuss their history to decide who their heroes are, which would unite them in protecting their values, heritage and culture.
End of discussion…or else.
The ‘contents of character’ phrase remains open to debate and interpretation. Some people believe that judging individuals by the content of their character does not mean creating a universally equitable society but rather one that evaluates an individual’s worth without ignoring their race and heritage. This view argues that recognizing racial and cultural backgrounds is essential for understanding the full content of a person’s character. All good, right? The modern day Cultural Marxism promotes guilt associated with ‘white supremacy’, the tragedy of victimhood culture and the need for ‘equality of outcome’ regardless of ability or effort – and the absolute neccessity of ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ (D.E.I.) programs that are in themselves racist and exclusionary. D.E.I. kills and burns people places and things – turns them to ashes or melted metal. Pronouns crash planes.
There is also ample evidence that the saintly Dr. King regularly abused and cheated on his wife. There are claims that King was present in a hotel room when a friend of his, Baltimore pastor Logan Kearse, raped a woman who resisted participating in ‘unspecified’ sexual acts. The FBI agent who surveilled the hotel room asserted that King “looked on, laughed and offered advice.” Other allegations include that King’s philandering, long known to be extensive, was even more prolific than historians knew. It is now known that King regularly took part in orgies and that he fathered a child with one of his mistresses…and that he regularly took ‘contributions’ from socialist ally Stanley Levison, a rabid Communist Party member, inspite of denials. The human rights movement was ginned with Communists then and now. Surely MLKJR prayed for forgiveness. Perhaps it was the stress of being ‘God-like’ that made him do unspeakable things. Perhaps its all bullshit.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. faced allegations of plagiarism in both his academic work and speeches. The ‘King Papers Project’ at Stanford University found that his doctoral dissertation at Boston University included large sections from a dissertation written by a fellow student named Jack Boozer. A committee appointed by Boston University confirmed in 1991 that King had plagiarized passages in his dissertation by gleaning material from sources not credited in his notes. Despite this fact, the committee did not recommend revoking King’s doctoral degree, stating that such an action would serve no purpose. Honorary doctorates remain politically motivated and easily bought. Nobel peace prizes have been awarded to murderous monsters and saints alike.

Mahatma Karamchand Ghandi, revered and sanctified hero of ‘passive’ resistance and the fight for freedom from British colonialism notoriously beat his wife. Under the guise of preaching chastity and the abstinence he espoused, irregular practices such as sleeping naked next to nubile, naked women, including his niece. This was to presumably test his restraint. Was he able to restrain himself? From Gandhi’s own published works and eye-witness material a bizarre sexual history is revealed. There are elements of international opposition to the commemoration of Gandhi. According to these ‘revisionists’, a man who has been accused of racism, sexism, communalism, sexual perversion and spousal abuse should not be put on a pedestal. There are also pockets of international opposition to the commemoration of Gandhi. A group in South Africa recently threw white paint on a Gandhi statue in Johannesburg, accusing him of racism and having supported racial segregation.

St. Floyd had two convictions for armed robbery, three for drug charges and numerous other charges for misdemeanors. His second armed robbery was a home invasion. The occupant was a pregnant woman and others present who were pistol whipped. To compel cooperation, he pointed his handgun at the pregnant woman’s belly, and threatened her baby if she and the pistol whipped did not quietly acquiesce to the robbery. This does not justify, nor even mitigate, what was done to him or anyone else for that matter. He served five years in prison for this incident and served time for other crimes. But does it make his status as a virtuous martyr to the cause of justice less convincing? How many times did he violate the rights of others while committing his selfish drug related crimes? “Black Lives Matter” was the rallying cry to riot and commit robberies, arson, vandalism, looting and murder. He was an aspiring rapper and football star. Aren’t they all? Such a waste of potential. Freedom!!! Asserting that ‘All Lives Matter’ can still get you killed or at the very least brand you as a racist. The death of St. Floyd was used by political activists and NGOs with the gleeful co-operation of incentivised legacy media to trigger protests, brutal violence and mayhem across the U.S. and much of the world. It was one of many great distractions from the millions of humans who die every year from poverty and drug related violence. Who is to blame? There is a certain aspect of victim culture that requires all deaths to be that of heroes and martyrs for justice at the hands of their oppressors. Who benefits?
Hero and idol worship should be tempered with a humbling blend of the entire narrative of whether those held up for sainthood acted selflessly and for the good of others.

Maybe we can talk about Dear Nelson Mandela sometime.

Are you a victim or hero?
Who are your heroes?
What is the content of your character?
Is it worth anything?
Can you make the world a better place?
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