Follow The Arrows, Follow The Lines Or You Will Surely Die…Or Not Die. You Might Get Arrested Though.

There was a brilliant post on April 21 by a clever young woman on Facebook. It has 2.5 million views. She goes off on a press conference type rant to explain the truth and ambiguity of the COVID19 Plandemic. I wish I knew how to re-post the link. I am new at this. I have Read More

‘Heartbreaking’ : Suicide Rates Expected To Rise As COVID-19 Grinds On – Calgary Herald Apr.26/20

The treasonous Liberal misgovernment, on behalf of Globalist interests, are complicit in the plan for a New World Order. Population control and reduction by any means is essential to their plan. To cull the world population down to 2.5 billion requires a lot of death. Plandemic, plague, vaccination and suicide are important to their plan. Read More

In The Ghetto

It’s happened before. An entire population is targeted as an enemy of the state. A small group of despots has orchestrated chaos within the population and using propaganda to develop and assign blame for that chaos against a specific group. The specific group is then systematically oppressed. Their businesses are shut down as is their Read More

Liberal Parliament Is Not An Essential Service – Liquor And Cannabis Outlets Are

“In easy times, when it might be said (with slight exaggeration) that the country could survive a suspension of Parliamentary debate and oversight, there would not be a single MP, editorial board, Cabinet minister or Opposition leader who would dare to suggest Parliament abandon its functions. But now that we are in the greatest crisis Read More

To Protect And To Serve – ‘Calgary Police Fine Street Preacher For Violating COVID-19 Orders’- CBC Biased News

It was only a matter of time before the helpful people in blue became the black and blue suited, jackbooted armed thugs eager to beat down anyone that challenges their authority to enforce the edicts of their masters. The big beefy brute in the video looked like he was close to a steroidal freakout…this while Read More

Totalitarianism Is A Four Letter Word

Totalitarianism is an eight syllable word. It is a word that describes an ideology and society that emerges when egalitarianism, democracy and a free market economy are allowed or made to fail. ‘Totalitarianism is best understood as any system of political ideas that is both thoroughly dictatorial and Utopian. It is an ideal type of Read More

Commie Pinko Fink

No, it’s not the latest color offering from Tesla. Post second world war Communist Germany gave rise to a murderous, secret political organization called the STASI – Sta (ats) si (cherheitsdienst), literally : State Security Force. They were formed in February of 1950 modeled after the Soviet KGB. They were the most hated and feared Read More

Strange Bedfellows

It’s a horrifying image supported by accurate photos and documentation but Anthony Fauci and Bill and Melinda Gates have been in bed together for some time. It’s believed that behind closed doors they play out scenes from ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘Outbreak’ and ‘Contagion’. All are very fluid when it comes to assigning gender roles. When Read More

Use Coronavirus Deaths As An Opportunity – UN

The architect of the United Nations’ Paris climate agreement has joined the list of climate activists calling coronavirus deaths “an opportunity”. While dismissing the human misery caused by the coronavirus, Christiana Figueres advocated for permanent restrictions on human behavior and economic activity similar to what governments have imposed in response to the coronavirus. Christiana Figueres Read More

“I Wanna Be Sedated” – The Ramones

It’s not enough that the government funded mainstream and national media are successfully promoting sonambulism in the population, liquor and cannabis outlets have been classified as essential services. People weren’t paying attention before the Plandemic. They were either busy working to support their families and enjoy their lives, distracted by social media or absorbed in Read More

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