I’ll Be Careful When I’m Dead
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social Studies“- and my point is, there’s always something. I think, as a species, we have a desire to believe that we’re living at the climax of the story. It’s a kind of narcissism. We want to believe that we’re uniquely important, that we’re living at the end of history, that now, after all these millennia
Dear Premier Smith – Land Acknowledgements and United Nations Agendas
Poly Tics . Social StudiesSent: Monday, March 20, 2023, 11:46 a.m.To: Danielle SmithSubject: FW: FW: Land Acknowledgements and United Nations Agendas Dear Premier Smith, Many of us are encouraged by the words and actions to come from your office thus far. There is still much to be done to ensure that Alberta strengthens the firewall against federal overreach
A Veteran and Oath Keeper’s View – Letter To City Of Airdrie
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social Studies . UncategorizedHello All, It is significant that the City of Airdrie recognize Remembrance Day every year to honor Canadian military veterans and especially those that gave their lives in service to our country while fighting for our freedom. The tradition of Remembrance Day is an important reminder that the entire world came together to defeat
Deployment of Resources and Public Engagement – Letter To The City of Airdrie
Poly Tics . Social StudiesHello Mayor Brown, As community involvement and public engagement grow, citizens of Airdrie will no doubt be attending more public sessions. Our goal is to encourage greater numbers to engage, to better understand the workings of our city council and management, with the goal being to gain visibility and understanding of proposed policy or
Poly Tics . Social StudiesA basic definition – Emigre – an emigrant, especially a person who flees from his or her native land because of political conditions. The sad reality for many Canadians is that they fundamentally have nowhere to go to claim refugee status whether because of economic, political or religious persecution. The U.S. is the nearest neighbor.
Men’s Talk Groups – Rounds Affirmations
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social Studies“You can’t defend yourself against your worst feelings. You might need some help with that.” – Howard Once you have exhausted your toxic masculinity and acknowledge that you may have hurt people or committed unspeakable acts you may have earned the humility to grow, to learn and begin to live life on life’s terms as
Who Governs Us?
Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom: Scott StrasserSent: January 18, 2023 12:27 PMTo: Al NeitschSubject: Re: Government Or Corporation? Hey Al. I’ll read it but we typically don’t publish letters or columns of such length. I’d say our limit would be around 650 or so. Scott Strasser – Editor 2023-01-19 9:57 AM Good Morning Scott, It is a bit long
Government Or Corporation? -Letter To The Editor
Poly Tics . Social Studies“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”― Benito Mussolini Canada has long had a reputation of being a prosperous, free and Democratic country and a beacon for people wanting that sort of thing. Canada is noted as a parliamentary democracy but also has the added
Tragically Trudeau
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesThe Tragically Hip, often referred to simply as The Hip, were a Canadian rock band formed in Kingston, Ontario in 1984, consisting of vocalist Gord Downie, guitarist Paul Langlois, guitarist Rob Baker, bassist Gord Sinclair, and drummer Johnny Fay. They released 13 studio albums, one live album, one EP, and over 50 singles over a 33-year career. Nine of
Rex Murphy: Jordan Peterson’s Foes Need Their Heads Examined
Poly Tics . Social StudiesThe College of Psychologists of Ontario should scrutinize itself Published Jan 06, 2023 • National Post Psychology, and those who teach it, seem to be the topic of today. So I start with a question. What are the marks of the non-functional mind? They are three. The inability to learn. The incapacity to take wisdom from past