Category: Social Studies

Sometimes Ya Can’t Say FUCK! Enough

I solemnly swear to not use the word throughout this piece. Is the word still a bad word? It’s been around since about AD1475. The word is a profane English-language word that often refers to the act of sexual intercourse and even then, relegated to the thoughts and places still frowned on by polite society…if Read More


‘SPECIES’ was 1995 Sci-Fi horror film directed by Roger Donaldson and written by Dennis Feldman. It starred the delightful and talented Natasha Henstridge in her debut role. The plot concerns an escaped human hybrid that was developed by government and rogue scientists and their race to capture her after she escapes and before she mates Read More

Is Life Still Precious?

When, ever, ever, in history have sane people believed that life was so precious and worthy of saving that they would commit suicide to preserve it? Suicide by any means has historically been deemed a shameful act by the church and against the law by governments. The families of those who successfully committed suicide were Read More


SADS is rapidly surpassing SIDS as the leading cause of sudden death among humans since….well….any world war or genocide in history. SIDS is the acronym for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants, and the U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world, easily Read More

On Tyranny

I was recently walking through a new residential neighborhood under construction in the city where I live as I am wont to do. I also like looking into the the big green waste bins that are parked in front of the construction sites to marvel at how much waste is produced to build a stick Read More


‘The Walking Dead’ was a popular television series about the horror of a post-apocalyptic world and the struggle for survival against a largely inhumane, unhuman and insane world. Presumably, the crisis was caused by a pandemic of some sort that infected the populations of the world and was spread by close contact between the the Read More

If Ya Don’t Stand For Something, You’ll Die For Nothing – TBC

Apparently James McNeill Whistler, who is known for his iconic portrait of his mother, was at a party that was also attended by Oscar Wilde who was known as one of the great and ribald wits of the nineteenth century. Oscar Wilde was occasionally accused of appropriating the clever expressions spoken by others. During the Read More

My Body, My Choice! – TBC

Pretty soon, if the great RESET progresses, abortion or reproductive rights won’t be an issue. There won’t be any heterosexual couples that are capable of conceiving or reproducing naturally. They will have been rendered sterile or infertile by mandatory life saving vaccines. There will be no SEXY TIME. Hell, there may be no 99% couples Read More

Are Mask Mandates Coerced Autoerotic Asphyxiation?

Autoerotic asphyxiation ( variously called asphyxiophilia, hypoxyphilia, or breath control play ) is the intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for the purposes of sexual arousal. The term is used when the act is done by a person to themselves or when the Clintons want to Hillary you. Colloquially, a person engaging in the Read More

Rhymes With Hunt

HUNT to manage in the search for game to pursue animals or humans for food and in sport to pursue animals or humans with intent to capture to search out to traverse in search of prey BLUNT having an edge or point that is not sharp lack of keenness or perception inherent lack of sharpness Read More

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