Category: Poly Tics


Anarchists and rebels used to be fashionable. Any individual or group that was perceived to be fighting for the little guy or the middle class and against the rich and powerful were romanticized. Women and men both wanted to have Che Guevara’s baby, even knowing that he liked shooting pregnant women and children to send Read More

Hate Speech / Words / Names / Acronyms I Hate -TBC

“When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.” – Confucious When people lose the freedom to speak, the loss of other freedoms is sure to follow. The loss of life is inevitable. This seems to be the ultimate goal of the 1%. “SHUT UP! TAKE THE FUCKING VACCINE! DIE!!”. Language and articulation are key Read More

It’s Official. I am A Racist

It has been confirmed that I have all of the qualifications to be a bona fide, drooling, dyed in the wool, bred in the bone, back woods, red necked, cross burning, race baiting, rope and gun toting, chaw chewing, Rebel flag waving, drooling, toothless white supremacist patriotic Son of Odin. The mainstream media, their Globalist Read More

Double Mask Anal Swab Big Happy Time

‘China’s Zero-Tolerance Covid Tactics Now Include Anal Swabs’ – Bloomberg News Jan. 27, 2021 “China is ramping up efforts to neutralize the coronavirus as new outbreaks challenge its already stringent pandemic strategy, with another weapon added to an arsenal of border curbs, mass testing and hard lock downs: anal swabs.” The Chinese government has recently Read More

It’s Official : Human Rights And Freedoms Have Been Discontinued – TBC

Prove me wrong. Humanity, common sense, morality and decency has not just taken a vacation, it has been unlawfully detained, beaten, tortured and thrown into a Turkish prison to be ravaged and owned by depraved creatures of progressive Liberal monsters. Read More

Enjoy Your Stay!

By random definition a hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms and air Read More

FASHISMUS – Draft In Progress

Fascism is a human invention. “We do not argue with those who disagree with us – we destroy them.” – Benito Mussolini “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very Read More


Along with the rolling blackouts, fuel and energy shortages and lock downs, expect food scarcity brought about by disruptions in transportation, farming and agriculture, food processing and other food providers. Best to start catching those cockroaches if you have them and while it’s still legal to do so. They may be subject to government regulation. Read More

A Million Cuts

The diversion of the COVID Plandemic as taken attention away from other divisive issues that plague the world, namely the encroachment of Islamic Jihad. Recent events of terrorism which include shootings and beheadings throughout Europe show that even a world wide Plandemic and the fear thereof can not stop fanatic Jihad from progressing. Jihad is Read More

Comfort In The Form Of Denial – OR – It Could Never Happen Here

Delusion is the easy way down. Disbelief is a convenient opiate. Humans are predisposed to avoid pain. The will to survive is natural even at the expense of other lives. Reality is painful. If you’re cold, a sweater will take the chill off. These are fundamental truths yet populations seem to be either looking for Read More

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