Dear Leader Letter # 10 – On Humanity
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom: Al NeitschSent: March 7, 2022 10:38 AMTo:; Airdrie-Cochrane; Airdrie-East;; Peter BrownSubject: Humanity Good Morning All, The following is a significant read that appeared recently in The Epoch Times. It would be great to hear your perspectives on it. Practicing Your Humanity “The innate goodness we can bring to others can wither
Kill All Graffiti Artists! LOL
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesBeauty is in the eye and brain of the beholder. The blind and stupid can have no appreciation for beauty. Take a look at the mugshots of any ANTIFA wannabes or counter protest creatures to freedom people. These are not beautiful people…inside or out. They usually don’t smell very good either. They are unclean. They
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police?
Poly Tics . Social Studies“The RCMP is Canada’s national police force – providing an array of services from municipal policing, to national security intelligence gathering, to the legendary Musical Ride. Despite a series of scandals in recent decades, the RCMP remains one of Canada’s most iconic national institutions. The icons include illegal actions against citizens at the behest of
Rex Murphy : In Ottawa, The Sky Isn’t Falling, Despite What The Political Elite Would have You Believe
Poly Tics . Social StudiesRex Murphy – For The National Post Feb 12, 2022 • 6 days ago • 3 minute read • 1530 Comments I’ve been looking up the various insurrections, coups, revolts and revolutions that have jolted the world, unravelled monarchies and ripped countries apart over the course of history. How else to get a better understanding of
Dear Leader Letter #8 Indictable Offenses – Against Who?
Poly Tics . Social StudiesSent: Monday, February 14, 2022 4:01:55 PMTo: Al Neitsch ; <>; Peter Brown <>; <>Subject: Indictable Offenses Committed By Canadian Politicians and Health Officials – A Soldiers Perspective It’s sad to think that honouring our Canadian veterans has become a mere exercise in virtue signalling, and then, only when convenient. These annual
Missiles Over Tonga?
Poly Tics . Social Studies . Songs For The ApocalypseThe earth is a complex component of a vast system within the universe. Fire, air, dirt and water are key components to making the earth livable for humans and animals. It’s the humans that continue to be a problem and that threaten the earth and it’s inhabitants. Under the cover of philanthropic science, great minds
Dear Leader Letter #6 – The Great Ronald MacDonald House Un-injected Patient and Family Eviction Backpeddaling Scandal
Poly Tics . Social StudiesHello Mayor Brown, City Council, Directors and Managers, Re. The Ronald McDonald House Backpedaling Scandal, Ronald Mcdonald House was very quick to back away or re frame the announcement on their website. I called a few of them too and, of course, by the time the event hit the mainstream, they were in damage
Dear Leader Letter # 5
Poly Tics . Social StudiesMayor Peter Brown, Airdrie City Council, Managers and Directors, If you are all doing your joint and individual research to find narratives contrary to what the Provincial and Federal Governments are either coercing or incentivizing you to make decisions on, or give in to, you will see that the world is rapidly approaching peak
Dear Leader 4
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom: Al NeitschSent: January 15, 2022 11:04 AM Hello Heather Spearman, Airdrie City Council, Managers, Directors and Mayor, While I am encouraged that you responded, I am nonetheless disappointed that there has been no other acknowledgment to my communication with Airdrie City Hall and Council. In fact, so far, you are the only one
Letter To The Editor
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social Studies . UncategorizedIn a time where opinions are highly censored and people with opinions contrary to the mainstream are deplatformed, ridiculed, doxxed, assaulted, stalked, harrassed, jailed, disappeared, or die under suspicious circumstances, it is encouraging that a news outlet would publish a contrary opinion. Are We Really All In This Together? To say that hypocrisy runs