Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesSurely there has been enough study and debate on the existence of good or evil in this world and their place in society – how it is needed to find nebulous, conceptual, peace, prosperity, justice, and balance in this world. Surely there has been tragedy and horror committed while defending or promoting one over the
Dear Health Minister – Your Thoughts On The N.C.I. Please
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesDear Minister LaGrange, I have been following the progress of the National Citizens Inquiry as the only available publicly documented history thus far of the impact of the COVID pandemic experienced by all Canadians. I am sure that your office is aware of the many studies and testimonies that are making their way into
Talking With The Dead…About The Living – A Series
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesPeter, We are just about done here. Mom is in decline physically and mentally and you are still in the role of advocate for her care. You and Darlene undertook her care by methods and means that you will one day have to account for, if not legally, at best spiritually. That you continue
SURVIVING THE WOKE CUNTICIDE – If You Are Offended, Read The Disclaimer…Or Don’t
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social Studies . Songs For The ApocalypseMostly from Wikipedia, the sometimes true, free encyclopedia of malinformation, freely edited by CUNTS. This article is about the vulgarism. For other uses, see Cunt (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Cnut or Knut, a Scandinavian name. Cuntocide – the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race by CUNTS. The
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesWhen will this next world war end? Will anyone be around to remember? Nov.1, 2023; Peter Brown; Airdrie-Cochrane; Airdrie-East; Blake Richards – Member of Parliament; Office of the Premier Cc:;;;; Heather Spearman; Bcc: Take Back Airdrie; To All Elected and Unelected, As Remembrance Day approaches and as we pick and choose what holds our attention, perhaps we could also pause
The Last Gift : 4 Ways to Outlive Your Life
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesMaking your last words last for generations Physical death is a certainty. Please feel free to present your arguments for or against this reality. Spiritual death remains a subject that has fascinated humans since they first wondered about it – while they roamed the earth, hunting and gathering and before they found a belief system
War, Remembrance and ‘Modern’ Times
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesTo All Elected and Unelected Canadians, Some of you may be old enough to remember your first of many assemblies for a Remembrance Day memorial that you attended in the gymnasium at your elementary school. You will have made poppies and pictures out of craft paper, glue and crayons to be displayed prior to
Bovine, Cow, Human
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesWe often think of wild animals as being fiercely independent of domestic, human species, yet many of them have incredibly strong parental instincts that drive them to protect their families and young ones. Despite the differences between various species, all animals share some basic characteristics, such as the ability to move around in ‘wild’ habitat,
Hunters and Collectors – Scream Who
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social Studies . Songs For The ApocalypsePortions from Wikkipedia : Hunters & Collectors are an Australian rock band formed in 1981. Fronted by founding mainstay, singer-songwriter and guitarist Mark Seymour, they developed a blend of pub rock and art-funk. Other mainstays are John Archer on bass guitar, Doug Falconer on drums and percussion. Soon after forming they were joined by Jack Howard on trumpet and keyboards, Jeremy
War and Remembrance
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesLetter to Alberta’s Premier, MP, MLAs and Airdrie Corporate UNDRIP Enterprises To All Elected and Unelected, How much more of Canada’s slide into post nationhood are you willing to accept? Remembrance Day was once a solemn event to honor members, past and present, of our once proud military. Declining recruitment is being attributed to