Beware The Stampede Variant
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesGiddy-up Alberta! The horse turds were dangled. The mini doughnuts and beer gardens await. The spectacle of the ‘Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth’ is being set up… set up the greatest catastrophic kill and lock down yet. Ersatz cowboys and gals will be able to dress up in their western Amazon best including a truly symbolic mask used often in the ‘old west’ by hard riding marshalls, cowpokes and bandits alike. Of course, any events involving animals will be strictly regulated so as not to offend the easily offended and mentally ill virtue signaling, bloody tooth gnashing PETA ninnies. Virtual petting zoos are going to be a big hit. No, you can’t touch the screen. Non-binary, wild llama milking will be the featured event and western, non specific, dressed as streetwalker gender twerking for kids is going to be showcased to lure the hesitant under 12 crowd into getting the toxic ‘cow poke’. Offering ice cream and baby crack is the fall back position. No parental consent is required. The parents were too consenting to all manner of injustice, inconvenience, and misery to notice that their freedoms were eroded and that they no longer have control of their lives. The state now dictates what happens to their children. ‘Brokeback Mountain’ is how the west was won. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Not everyone was meant to make lil cowpokes. Be free. Love who you want. Be wild. Be roughly romantic. Reproduction and propagation is soon to be a state controlled activity. At some point there won’t be any little cowpokes for the commoners to molest, traffic, and trade. That’s why Liberals in power are legalizing the rape, trafficking and torture of children. It’ll be a non-issue….eventually. The jabbing of tots with toxins is a substitute for the poking of cowpokes. ‘Candy little girl?’ ‘Ice cream little boy?’ ‘Come in to our rainbow colored van’. ‘Just a little poke’. ‘Your folks don’t need to know.’ Yippee kye! Hoppa, hoppa reiter.
The phrase ‘bread and circuses’ was coined by the Roman satirist Juvenal in reference to the way the ruling class pacified the commoners by diverting them from contemplating their subjugation. Sound familiar? In ancient Rome, the ‘bread’ was distributions of grain, and the ‘circuses’ were public games and other mass spectacles, often involving mortal combat of slaves and human sacrifice. The Romans organized their conquered peoples into provinces – under the control of appointed governors (premiers) with absolute power over all non-Roman citizens (Canadians) – and stationed troops (RCMP) in each, ready to exercise appropriate force if necessary. Sound Familiar? Sound plausible? The ‘Hunger Games’, though at times cheesy and melodramatic, seems a dystopian progression of where we are now. At least movie watchers weren’t subjected to Jennifer Lawrence’s brave baring of full frontals and dorsals or live sex acts during this family friendly franchise. Only the brave resort to soft porn for exposure and money. How soon before we are forced to watch the public executions of the mask or vaccine hesitant? Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
“Already, long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions – everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things : bread and circuses.” – Juvenal
Superficial appeasement has long been the opiate of the masses. Distraction by food, drink, drugs, sex, amusement, elite celebrity pedophilia, professional sports or the accumulation of stupid, plastic shit from China has plagued the masses into a fugue or catatonic state. They know not what is being done to them and their families. They want an easy way to normal even if it means a falsely virtuous death. Easy. They want that old life back. NOW!
Attend your last pancake breakfast. Non white, eco friendly, free range, race free cricket sausage will be available to the WOKE. Whole wheat or rainbow colored white flour pancake mix for the flapjacks. Aunt Jemimah has been de platformed, so no syrup folks. Now butter either. Cows bad. Engage in activities that explain why there is a spike in divorce filings post Stampede. Drink and drive. Yell YA-HOOO or YEEE-HAW like nobody ever did in Canada’s wild west…because only drunken red necks ever did. Vomit your best and worst. Vomit your last. Dry heaves are cleansing. The last Stampede will be cathartic. End your days with yer boots on.
And remember buckaroos, The Calgary Stampede and other rodeos are racist. It’s a whitey thing. Opening ceremonies will include the taking of knee and castration of a sacrificial non-colored cowboy. The first creature that comes to full term childbirth at the time of the opening ceremonies will be showcased in a nationally televised, live, abortion. The newborn sacrifice will be ripped from the carrier and held high aloft to the gaping, cheering crowd and auctioned off to the highest bidder among the drug companies in attendance so that they might release a special Stampede edition of an experimental, lethal non-vaccine. Imagine the line-ups for this one.
Enjoy yourselves like these were your last days.
Are they?
Make them count.
Read ‘Golden Days’ by Carolyn See. There is a great segment about what the people got up to leading up to the end. The popular published cover was of someone popping the cork of a champagne bottle. Pop! Fizz! Mushroom cloud. Release. Relief. The end. But there is some hope at the end. Spoiler.
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