Bell: NDP Sinks To New Low – July 10,2020
Poly TicsAn unknown NDP hack politician named Marlin Schmidt was speaking in the Alberta legislature. At some point he was quoting the legendary British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Like most dyed red in the wool communist zombies, dear Marlin doesn’t like the politics that Thatcher displayed during her rule of Britannia. There are differences of opinion on the matter. At some point, what kind of name is Marlin anyway says, “Just let me say I am no fan of Margaret Thatcher”. “If nothing else goes right for me in a day, I can at least count on enjoying the fact that Margaret Thatcher is still dead.” There were giggles from the NDP benches. Marlin the man goes on to say, “The only thing I regret about Margaret Thatcher’s death is that it happened probably 30 years too late.” Yes, that’s right. These people named Marlin are paid to represent people. I wonder how left stumbling politicians celebrate the lives of a Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot and other monsters. Did they die too soon? How will the life of an Obama be worshiped? Perhaps he should die sooner so his worshipers can celebrate his one great accomplishment. He was the only black actor to successfully dupe ‘his’ own people into voting for him because he was black.
Mr. Bell is right. Politics, social or otherwise, has become entirely and extremely polarized. The middle ground has become a swamp littered with the corpses and bones of tens upon tens of millions of people that got caught in the middle of zealots and ideologues. Identity politics and political correctness have brought the world to powder keg readiness for a world war, if not for world wide civil wars. There are now too many aggrieved and oppressed groups to satisfy. Governments, in trying to appease them all by various means have created an environment of chaos, instability and anarchy. This is no accident. To create so much hatred and division while professing virtue and enacting policies, written or tacit, under the noble and righteous guise of fighting hatred takes planning, effort and will. The world has entered a new era of hostility and manic hatred where life has little value compared to the feelings of manufactured perceived oppression, entitlement and the need for justice, ultra violence and compensation. You only need to see the footage of rabid and roving gangs rioting, looting, pillaging and burning, acting in unison, screaming and shouting, gang beating the wrong color of people to unrecognizable pulp with skateboards. The footage of non white men beating pale/pink elderly women with ladders and steel poles does not inspire interracial peace, love and understanding. There was a tableau of a bloodied, unconscious non pink man being savagely kicked and punched, having his shirt lifted so some non white hand can repeatedly shank the non pink man while a non pink woman tries to protect him from the attack. During the assault, the camera operator panned back and forth between the attack, the non pink woman and the mob. You could see flames coming from local businesses lighting up the dancing and encouraging crowd. Many of the party goers were grabbing there crotches and private part areas while they were dancing around the scene. Micro or macro orgasms were clearly a benefit from the brutality. There were shouts of “AWW DUDE!”, “AWW MAN!”, ” YEAH MAN, SHANK THE MOTHERFUCKER!” AND “GIT EM!” There was laughter. There were giggles. It was a party. It was like some dystopian scene of some warrior tribe captive beating ritual. Cannibalism would not have been out of place here.
Life has officially become cheap. So called politicians wish each other dead and care not if their ideologies lead to the deaths of tens upon tens of millions of people. When life has no value, what is a billion or three? Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 are in play now. The world is being played. Globalism is the combined ideologies of Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism and Islam. It wants total world control. Welcome to the New world Order. Just as German citizens and politicians were forced to tour the death camps and help bury the rotting, dead victims of the New World Order of the day, modern day politicians and bureaucrats should be forced to wade through killing field, unearth the mass graves and experience the stench and horror of Democide, Genocide and every other policy and ruse unleashed on populations in the name of public unity and safety. After that, they can bloody well prepare their own lime lined pits to fall into. It’s a typical end to world domination enterprises.
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