Barbicide – TBC
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesBarbicide is a disinfecting solution used by barbers and cosmetologists for disinfecting grooming tools such as combs and other hair cutting gear. It was invented by Maurice King and marketed heavily in North America. Luckily this product is a U.S. E.P.A. approved combination permicide, pseudomonacide, fungicide and a viricide that is ‘proven’ effective against HIV-1, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. It’s active ingredient is alkyl dimethyl, benzyl ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate. Don’t forget the blue dye. The MSDS sheet reads like a bad script to a B grade horror movie. The magical blue liquid contains several known carcinogens and is highly toxic to the environment when discarded. ‘Shave and a haircut, six bits’. Kool-aid.
I remember being fascinated by the magical blue liquid every time my dad took me to the barber. He did so reluctantly because hair cuts cost money. He smoked a lot. I cried at my first barber style haircut. The blue liquid….and the National Geographics made things better. The blue liquid appeared in a clear jar with a stainless lid and rack for combs and scissors. So shiny. Eventually dad bought a set of cheap clippers at Army and Navy and had mom cut my hair. Like she didn’t have enough to do. As I got older and my hair fell out I started cutting my own hair. I bought clippers. I didn’t smoke anymore. I didn’t turn blue or get cancer. Oh wait.
There are other words with ‘cide’ in them that have great relevance these days. You can’t visit the barber anyway. Oh wait….you can….but not today….or next week. You may need to present your death certificate to get a haircut in the very near future.
DECIDE – To cut off uncertainty – reach a decision – preferably not under duress
AUTOCIDE – The killing of self and others with an automobile – successful method of mass murder and suicide in some cultures
Fratricide – The killing of one’s brother – there isn’t a ‘cide’ for killing one’s sister
Homicide – The killing of a human being
Infanticide – The killing of ones child
Patricide – The killing of ones father
Matricide – The killing of one’s mother
Suicide – The killing of one’s self – preferred method of gaining access to heaven by some cultures – must commit homicide en-masse of non believers while killing self. Rewards await.
Democide –
Democide is a term used to refer to the murder of an individual or a group of people through direct actions that were taken by their government. This could include acts of mass murder, genocide, politically motivated assassinations, politicide and other forms of state sponsored murder. The hated minority headed for extermination may be defined by religious, racial, political, class, cultural or other attributes. Those currently bullied, cajoled, frightened or shamed into believing that the contrived pandemic was real and that the experimental drugs would save them have been programmed into believing that non-believers and the non-compliant are a threat. These are now dangerous enemies to the new order and to be segregated and denied any rights to life. Eventually the shunning and shaming will turn to outright attacks and death. Plausible? It’s happening now.
Genocide –
Genocide is the international action to destroy a people-usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group.-in whole or in part. The United Nations Genocide Conventions, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such” including the killing of it’s members, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately imposing living conditions that seek to “bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”, preventing births, or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group. Victims have to be deliberately, not randomly, targeted because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups outlined in the above definition.
By this definition, governments, their bureaucrats and Globalist terrorists are committing genocide against all people of the world that wish to live free and by reasonable laws drawn by reasonable government. If allowed to continue, this genocide with be the greatest mass murder ever perpetrated against humanity. If this genocide continues, it’s arbiters will ensure that it’s history will be erased for all time.
What were Armenians?
What were Rohingya?
What were Uyghurs?
What were you?
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