Who Governs Us?
Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom: Scott StrasserSent: January 18, 2023 12:27 PMTo: Al NeitschSubject: Re: Government Or Corporation? Hey Al. I’ll read it but we typically don’t publish letters or columns of such length. I’d say our limit would be around 650 or so. Scott Strasser – Editor 2023-01-19 9:57 AM Good Morning Scott, It is a bit long
Government Or Corporation? -Letter To The Editor
Poly Tics . Social Studies“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”― Benito Mussolini Canada has long had a reputation of being a prosperous, free and Democratic country and a beacon for people wanting that sort of thing. Canada is noted as a parliamentary democracy but also has the added
Tragically Trudeau
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesThe Tragically Hip, often referred to simply as The Hip, were a Canadian rock band formed in Kingston, Ontario in 1984, consisting of vocalist Gord Downie, guitarist Paul Langlois, guitarist Rob Baker, bassist Gord Sinclair, and drummer Johnny Fay. They released 13 studio albums, one live album, one EP, and over 50 singles over a 33-year career. Nine of
Rex Murphy: Jordan Peterson’s Foes Need Their Heads Examined
Poly Tics . Social StudiesThe College of Psychologists of Ontario should scrutinize itself Published Jan 06, 2023 • National Post Psychology, and those who teach it, seem to be the topic of today. So I start with a question. What are the marks of the non-functional mind? They are three. The inability to learn. The incapacity to take wisdom from past
Dear Premier Smith
Poly Tics . Social StudiesSubject: FW: Cancer Patient Experience FILED UNDER CORRUPT ALBERTA MEDICAL TYRANNY SENT VIA E-MAIL JAN.4, 2023 Dear Premier Smith, Let me first congratulate you on your recent political progress and the meaningful steps your government has taken towards a more sovereign Alberta. I voted for you based on the commitments you made during your
SunCity – Crickets
Poly Tics . Social StudiesSouth Africa enacted Apartheid as a policy of Racial segregation. Racial segregation was widely practiced in South Africa before 1948 but when the National Party, led by Daniel Malan, gained office that year, it extended the policy and gave it the name ‘Apartheid’ The implementation of apartheid, often called ‘separate development’ since the 1960s, was made possible
On Christopher Hitchens
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesAfter 60 plus years on this earth and in this ether, I haven’t found my way yet. In spite of very real and close calls with spiritual experiences and enlightenment, other miseries and delights have kept me down at the ground, toying with atheism, nihilism, and writhing in ignorance and occasional optimism. I might very
Where Are Sir Bono And St. Bob?
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social Studies‘We Are The World’ was a benefit single for victims of geopolitical famine and war in Africa. It raised over $60 Million, which was marginally distributed to Ethiopia, Sudan, and other impoverished countries that were never able to recover from European colonialism or subversive CCP intervention. Celebrity ‘artists’, members of ‘God’s great big family’ got
MAiD Service
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesThere was a Howard Johnson’s next door to every Ethical Suicide Parlor, and vice versa. The Howard Johnson’s had an orange roof and the Suicide Parlor had a purple roof, but they were both the Government. Practically everything was the Government. All Hostesses were virgins. They also had to hold advanced degrees in psychology and
Viva Nica!
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesTravel takes the fortunate to other lands, to possibly escape, if only for a while, what can only be ‘first world problems’. The term ‘First World Problems’ is used to minimize complaints about trivial issues in a developed ‘First World’ nation. It is a subset of the fallacy of relative privation and is often used