Written by awneitsch on March 19, 2020
Take The Fourth
Mutterings And MurmursThe fourth principle of spirituality : “What is over, is over. It’s that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the experience, it is better to let go and move on.” – Ramana
Written by awneitsch on March 18, 2020
If You Think About It
Mutterings And MurmursWenn Du denkst Du denkst, dann Denkst Du den gedanken das Du Denkst doch das Denken von gedanken ist gedanken, loses Denken darum Denke ich nie gedacht zu Haben.
Written by awneitsch on March 11, 2020
The Chronicles
The ChroniclesThe last thing Howard remembered seeing before losing consciousness was the sight of the sun going down and slow motion footage of great dollops of purplish blood falling from above his head somewhere. The drops plopped onto the powdery dust beneath him, sending miniature atomic bomb like plumes up into his face. Howard came to