Poly Tics . Social Studies . Songs For The ApocalypseOld Yeller was a movie dog that needed to be put down because he caught rabies from fighting an infected wolf that had killed a cow. He started out as a normal, friendly, helpful dog but he caught a viral disease of the central nervous system that causes encephalitis in humans and other mammals. The
Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad – ‘The’ History Month Forgets To Recognize This Historical Figure
Poly Tics . Social StudiesThe video from which the following quote was taken was deleted and/or flagged as ‘private’ or ‘not available’ by YouTube after appearing briefly on Facebook but is still available as part of a Bitchute, CamelotD broadcast published February 25th, 2024. Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad was one of many ‘far right leftist race grifters’ that rose
Q: Are Municipal Governments Politically and Ideologically Neutral? A: Um…No…They Are Incentivised U.N. Operatives
Poly Tics . Social StudiesOpen Letter To All Elected and Un-elected Public Servants, Though they didn’t use the phrase ‘separation of church and state’, the framers of The United States Constitution debated the extent to which the government should support religious or political ideologies. Some argued that it was perfectly fine to mandate participation in religious services, but
THE dUMB AND THE dEAD – Please, Not Another Rant!
Poly Tics . Social Studies“The dumb and the dead have one thing in common ; they don’t know it.” – Unknown – If unclaimed, Howard said it. Heck, even dead dumb people can destroy living people, places and things. It’s their dumb ideas that might live on after their bodies die – even after their rotting flesh has ceased
The Kalergi Plan – Oh No, Not Another Conspiracy Theory!
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesConspiracy Theory – A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable. – Wikkishit “The only difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy reality is time…and a suspension of disbelief based on facts”
I’ve Got The Narcissistic Self Immolation Blues…But They Won’t Last
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesFile under : “Look at me, I am an idiot, programmed ideologue” or “Welcome to a self indulgent martyr’s barbecue” or most likely and fittingly, “Let’s just get on with the horrors of the worst of the so-called ‘human’, flammable, inflamatory condition.” Bring it! Send it! martyr mär′tər noun It should be noted that the
February Is Also International Handicapped Dwarf Albino History Month – Celebrate…Or Else!
Social StudiesGreat Googly Moogly! The ‘Othering’ of marginalized populations and the re-writing of history are key elements to any Cultural Marxist, Fascist, or Communist RESET or Cultural Revolution. In the past, this ‘Othering’ helped ‘re-educate’ the homogeneous, massively formatted populations into accepting final solutions to deal with the ‘Others’. New and enhanced technologies of the day
The Regina Manifesto – The Seeds Of A Very Canadian Holodomor – The Shrill Living Ghost Of Canada Present
Poly Tics . Social StudiesYes, we are talking about Canada here. The Regina Manifesto was the fundamental policy document of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). Their 14 point mission statement was talked about in kitchens and basements by transplanted European Communists and written in 1933. It called for the eradication of capitalism and the adoption of socialist economic and social welfare
Taxation Without Representation – City of Airdrie – A Series On Lack Of Transparency And Accountability Of Municipal Governments
Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom: Al Neitsch Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 2:46:30 PMTo: Peter Brown <Peter.Brown@airdrie.ca>; Mayor <mayor@airdrie.ca>; Airdrie-East <airdrie.east@assembly.ab.ca>; Airdrie-Cochrane <Airdrie.Cochrane@assembly.ab.ca>; Blake Richards – Member of Parliament <blake@blakerichards.ca>; Office of the Premier <Premier@gov.ab.ca>; MA Minister <Minister.MunicipalAffairs@gov.ab.ca>Cc: Tina Petrow <Tina.Petrow@airdrie.ca>; Candice Kolson <Candice.Kolson@airdrie.ca>; Heather Spearman <Heather.Spearman@airdrie.ca>; Al Jones <Al.Jones@airdrie.ca>; Darrell Belyk <Darrell.Belyk@airdrie.ca>; Ron Chapman <Ron.Chapman@airdrie.ca> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL]