I’ve Got The Narcissistic Self Immolation Blues…But They Won’t Last
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesFile under : “Look at me, I am an idiot, programmed ideologue” or “Welcome to a self indulgent martyr’s barbecue” or most likely and fittingly, “Let’s just get on with the horrors of the worst of the so-called ‘human’, flammable, inflamatory condition.” Bring it! Send it! martyr mär′tər noun It should be noted that the
February Is Also International Handicapped Dwarf Albino History Month – Celebrate…Or Else!
Social StudiesGreat Googly Moogly! The ‘Othering’ of marginalized populations and the re-writing of history are key elements to any Cultural Marxist, Fascist, or Communist RESET or Cultural Revolution. In the past, this ‘Othering’ helped ‘re-educate’ the homogeneous, massively formatted populations into accepting final solutions to deal with the ‘Others’. New and enhanced technologies of the day
The Regina Manifesto – The Seeds Of A Very Canadian Holodomor – The Shrill Living Ghost Of Canada Present
Poly Tics . Social StudiesYes, we are talking about Canada here. The Regina Manifesto was the fundamental policy document of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). Their 14 point mission statement was talked about in kitchens and basements by transplanted European Communists and written in 1933. It called for the eradication of capitalism and the adoption of socialist economic and social welfare
Taxation Without Representation – City of Airdrie – A Series On Lack Of Transparency And Accountability Of Municipal Governments
Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom: Al Neitsch Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 2:46:30 PMTo: Peter Brown <Peter.Brown@airdrie.ca>; Mayor <mayor@airdrie.ca>; Airdrie-East <airdrie.east@assembly.ab.ca>; Airdrie-Cochrane <Airdrie.Cochrane@assembly.ab.ca>; Blake Richards – Member of Parliament <blake@blakerichards.ca>; Office of the Premier <Premier@gov.ab.ca>; MA Minister <Minister.MunicipalAffairs@gov.ab.ca>Cc: Tina Petrow <Tina.Petrow@airdrie.ca>; Candice Kolson <Candice.Kolson@airdrie.ca>; Heather Spearman <Heather.Spearman@airdrie.ca>; Al Jones <Al.Jones@airdrie.ca>; Darrell Belyk <Darrell.Belyk@airdrie.ca>; Ron Chapman <Ron.Chapman@airdrie.ca> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL]
ONENESS – A Possibility?
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesAdmit it or don’t. We are living in a time, before the end of times, when we have never been more divided. Say your prayers. Besides the kinetic military industrial complex proxy wars, the current war to end all wars is so much digital propaganda background noise. Systemic, weaponized identity and cultural politics, weaponized climate
Do Not Go Gently
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesBlessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy – Matthew 5.5
February Made Me Shiver
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesMoney was tight for our working class family in 1972. I was in grade 5, my first and last year of school in the big city after growing up in the country on farms owned by others. Dad was that post war immigrant that just wanted to get back to the farm roots he was
Welcome To The Frankfurt ‘Scool’ – Please Check Your Priveleges, Morality and Humanity and Brains At The Door – Prepare To Eat Crayons – And Stop Bathing
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesA brief perspective of Cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory and D.E.I. Insanity From The Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy – The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory “The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for
Where the Hell Is Chestermere? Letter To The Premier And Others
Poly Tics . Social StudiesTo: Office of the Premier; Danielle Smith Cc: ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca; Airdrie-Cochrane; Airdrie-Cochrane Dear Premier Danielle Smith, The more we learn about the disturbing and ongoing events and details surrounding the municipality of Chestermere, the more we think that this matter warrants further investigation and action. Transparency, accountability and ethics seem to be at the core of a situation that