Author: awneitsch

Five Physicians Quit Sundre Clinic in Spat With Province’ – Calgary Sun Sept.6, 2020

The rise of technocracies and bureaucracies to achieve greater power than local and state governments is more prevalent now than ever before in history. Unionized employees have often resorted to holding populations hostage for more money and other compensation. For all of the power held by various boards and unions, as evidenced by the highly Read More

The Road – Two Wheels Good

It’s unnerving to travel at 120 kmh, on a motorcycle, following a truck towing a trailer with a car on it and the car isas loaded backward onto the trailer meaning the car is facing you in the same lane that you’re driving in. Imagine that for whatever reason the car has it’s headlights on Read More

The Walking Dead

More and more, the well financed ANTIFA and BLM roving gangs are trying to double down on their efforts to create chaos and continue the anarchy that kills innocent people and destroys cities. The death and destruction continue as the mob grows bolder and WOKE governments take the knee and defund police departments. This isn’t Read More


“Someone that is asleep or bored will do as they’re told. Someone that is WOKE or pretending to be WOKE is asleep.” – Al Neitsch “Being delusional is not being brave or strong.” “Leftism is an ideology of decay.” “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of misery, its Read More

In Defense Of Choice-To Mask Or Not-Whose Life Is It Anyway?

That we are living in a time of great upheaval and existential threat to our futures is gross understatement. The anarchy and chaos extends to the government funded, mainstream media and independent sources. As with any war, and this is war, the first casualty is truth. What information should populations be given to make up Read More

Bell: NDP Sinks To New Low – July 10,2020

An unknown NDP hack politician named Marlin Schmidt was speaking in the Alberta legislature. At some point he was quoting the legendary British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Like most dyed red in the wool communist zombies, dear Marlin doesn’t like the politics that Thatcher displayed during her rule of Britannia. There are differences of opinion Read More


It used to be that moving images were captured on celluloid film. Whether it was news or entertainment, the running time of raw capture was measured in feet. Celluloid film was first made commercially available in 1889 by Eastman Kodak but has been made obsolete with the advent of digital photographic technologies. Now anyone with Read More

Canadian Tire – More Than Just Tires

Canadian Tire sell tires. They sell a lot of other stuff too. Certain African failed state nations like South Africa are wildly enthusiastic and orgasmic about ‘Necklacing’. Not to be confused with the ‘Columbian Necktie’, the act involves tightly pressing a gasoline soaked tire around a victims shoulders and arms and lighting it. Getting the Read More

Orange Man Bad

The group sat huddled around one of their rare fires that provided little light or heat but it did warm up the few handfuls of food they managed to glean and gather after a full days walk. The meal to inadequately feed five disheveled humans consisted of two cups of moist barley blended with three Read More


Das machine ist nicht fur gerfingerpoken und mittingraben. Ist too easy schnappen der springenwerk und blowen fusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dumkopfen das rubbernecken sightseeren. Keepen der hands in der pockets. Relaxen und watch all der blinkenlights. Notice seen posted in a photo lab a long, long time ago. Read More

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