Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesAnarchists and rebels used to be fashionable. Any individual or group that was perceived to be fighting for the little guy or the middle class and against the rich and powerful were romanticized. Women and men both wanted to have Che Guevara’s baby, even knowing that he liked shooting pregnant women and children to send
Hate Speech / Words / Names / Acronyms I Hate -TBC
Poly Tics . Social Studies“When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.” – Confucious When people lose the freedom to speak, the loss of other freedoms is sure to follow. The loss of life is inevitable. This seems to be the ultimate goal of the 1%. “SHUT UP! TAKE THE FUCKING VACCINE! DIE!!”. Language and articulation are key
Cheap Lazy Ass Beef Jerky
Mutterings And MurmursRecipe Buy a roast, the cheaper the better….unless you still have money. Dodge the Karens and the Fascist mask police…if you can. Pay cash to scare the cashier. Wear running shoes. Slice the washed or unwashed roast into thin or thick strips or slices with a sharp or dull knife. The sharp, serrated knife will
Accumulated Random Thoughts For The Day – To Be Updated Regularly
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesThis is an accumulation of insane thoughts that pop up from time to time….like a squirrel running between nuts, jumping from limb to limb. I’ll add to the list as needed. I might be insane. I might be squirrel bait. The insane person in me thinks not. The sane person in me is undecided. Some
Eight Limbs : Story 17 (Draft)
The ChroniclesIt could have been yet another waking dream of a life half lived and half dead that found Howard lying on his back, not dead, on a pleasantly fragrant black rubber mat, on the floor of a small room meant for more serious movements and thinking by more serious and Goddess-like creatures. It was part
It’s Official. I am A Racist
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesIt has been confirmed that I have all of the qualifications to be a bona fide, drooling, dyed in the wool, bred in the bone, back woods, red necked, cross burning, race baiting, rope and gun toting, chaw chewing, Rebel flag waving, drooling, toothless white supremacist patriotic Son of Odin. The mainstream media, their Globalist
12 Steps To Unplugging From The Matrix, Reclaiming Mind, and Detoxing From The Beast
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesNo, I’m not talking about THOSE steps although I am familiar with them. Ironically, it’s been 12 years since I last consumed alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is no longer a social or antisocial activity I engage in. I don’t miss it. Alcohol made me do or not do things that I still regret but
“It’s So Good To See Your Face”
Social Studies . The ChroniclesBy itself, this statement would be a joyous and welcome thing to hear no matter whether you know the speaker or not. It would be particularly wonderful to hear if you could actually see the speakers face and fully hear the words. Howard was shopping for food at a supposedly sterile and immune ‘big box
Double Mask Anal Swab Big Happy Time
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social Studies‘China’s Zero-Tolerance Covid Tactics Now Include Anal Swabs’ – Bloomberg News Jan. 27, 2021 “China is ramping up efforts to neutralize the coronavirus as new outbreaks challenge its already stringent pandemic strategy, with another weapon added to an arsenal of border curbs, mass testing and hard lock downs: anal swabs.” The Chinese government has recently
It’s Official : Human Rights And Freedoms Have Been Discontinued – TBC
Poly Tics . Social StudiesProve me wrong. Humanity, common sense, morality and decency has not just taken a vacation, it has been unlawfully detained, beaten, tortured and thrown into a Turkish prison to be ravaged and owned by depraved creatures of progressive Liberal monsters.