Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesNOUN SLOGAN -a war cry -a word or phrase used to express a position or stance or goal to be achieved -a brief attention getting phrase used in advertising or politics NOUN SLOGANEER -a person who invents or uses slogans -someone who makes and spreads slogans -someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a
17.5,000,000,000,000,000,000,003 Reasons To Be Injected With Experimental Genocidal Poison – TBC
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesBodily Autonomy is supposed to be a highly prized and protected right of all human beings that have adopted a Democratic Society. Once you accept the narrative and the offered or mandated and coerced injections you no longer have control of your own body. You no longer have freedom of thought or choice. You have
Rex Murphy For Prime Minister
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesFrom Howard – More than ever through this world war, the first casualties, beyond the most vulnerable that were, outright murdered by their caregivers, were truths that were aggressively poisoned and over washed by government sponsored narratives and media. That the mainstream media has been complicit in the agendas of Genocide and Democide and in
Once Were Warriors
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesBefore the white plague of European conquests descended on the New World, native or aboriginal cultures lived in relative peace and in harmony with the lands they wandered through and settled in. They stopped being nomadic warriors and became settlers. They lived in harmony with nature and either adapted to their chosen home or altered
Harrison Bergeron – Kurt Vonnegut
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesIsn’t equality all anybody everybody ever screamed and killed and died for? Any equality. Any equality at all. Human history is riddled with injustice and inequality. Not everyone was born the same as everybody else. Not everyone was raised, educated, and nurtured in the same ways as everybody else. Some were stronger, faster, smarter or
It’s Official – I Am An Extremist, Terrorist, and Activist – Who Is The Real Enemy of the State?
Poly Tics . Social StudiesWe are rapidly being forced into a world wide crisis of definitions. Right is now left. Straight is gay, man is woman, and right is wrong. Authoritarians are proficient at broadcasting an alteration of facts, definitions, and meanings. This was made clear in George Orwell’s 1984. It has almost become cliche to quote or cite
Howard Is Unwell – Definitely To Be Continued
Social Studies . The ChroniclesIt was a difficult morning. It started out hopeful enough but turned out to be cathartic but life affirming, hence a conflict and a call to conviction, resignation, and action. Howard ending up standing the bike well out of town in the gravelled parking lot of a seldom used but well maintained church. The doors
Halloween II – Christmas 0
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesI get Christmas. I sort of grew up with it. When I was older, I came across a picture from the 60’s showing a decorated Christmas tree in what turned out to be the house I was born into. My older brothers were in the picture seemingly happy and looking at the tree, and especially
Suck My Carbon Baby!
Poly Tics . Social StudiesLike we don’t have enough on our minds. It’s clear that depopulation is on the minds of the Globalists. It’s also become very clear that biological warfare through the machinations of fighting a, big time very much, man made virus and the ‘life saving’ required injections and genetic manipulation will be methods of reducing the
‘The Great Genocide’
Poly Tics . Social StudiesThe following article appeared in Druthers. Druthers is one of the few news sources on-line and in print that is dedicated to telling the stories you won’t hear from the mainstream. Check – Howard Beginner’s Guide To Understanding “The Great Reset” Uncategorized 8 months ago 5 min read The Great Reset went from a