Author: awneitsch

Academics Breaking the COVID Spell

The Epoch Times November 26, 2021 Updated: November 29, 2021 Written by Douglas Farrow The sphere of public education has been subject to the same psychosis that has afflicted other spheres of society since March 2020. Those in charge of this sphere haven’t addressed the problem by encouraging scholarly debate and the exercise of the Read More

Reality Check

Partially from Math is Hard like 2+2=5. Check this out. If every human on the planet had to be vaccinated… At least three times… 8 billion people… Times 3… =24 billion doses… Which means… If every manufacturer… Made a vaccine every second… It would take 32 years… To make 1 billion doses… And if Read More

British Cop Shows

Just about every country with an active police service and a film and television industry has made the sustained leap to portray police as the only arbiters of law and order and the keepers of peace. The police are often billed and promoted as the public servants at ground level who serve and protect the Read More

The Great W.E.F. Covid-19 Mein Kampf Reset – TBC

The book. The plan. Globalist fashions brought to you by a demented puppet of Satan, modelled by a psychopath adored by few – the Global Elite few. “Don’t you luff vut I yam verringk? My unterhosen arr mait uff toten Jim Morrizuns mit enuff room fvor a traficked kind. Vant too zee?” I finished reading Read More

Stop, Drop, and Roll

From the title itself, this fire containment technique is performed in three easy steps. 1) Stop – First, the victim needs to stop. Staying still and avoiding any movements can help avoid flames from further scattering on the affected part of the body. It could also help any nearby standers put the fire out more Read More


It’s bed time. Read me a story daddy? Virginal. Unsullied. White. Will pose for food. Twiggy was a top model of the late 1960s, who, unwittingly no doubt, helped pederast designers make skinny ‘in’. By blending pop art with fashion, the doe-eyed, un-tattoo’d, pouty-lipped gamine with the angelic face and ‘big in Britain’ boyish appeal Read More

What Will Get Me?

I had a thought. Hope is bunk. Hope distorts reality. Bad news. Thinking causes cancer. If the COVID-19 very deadly scarious genocide reset virus and it’s various varying variants do not exist, I won’t get them. If I did have any of them or have them now I might not notice. The symptoms are so Read More


NOUN SLOGAN -a war cry -a word or phrase used to express a position or stance or goal to be achieved -a brief attention getting phrase used in advertising or politics NOUN SLOGANEER -a person who invents or uses slogans -someone who makes and spreads slogans -someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a Read More

17.5,000,000,000,000,000,000,003 Reasons To Be Injected With Experimental Genocidal Poison – TBC

Bodily Autonomy is supposed to be a highly prized and protected right of all human beings that have adopted a Democratic Society. Once you accept the narrative and the offered or mandated and coerced injections you no longer have control of your own body. You no longer have freedom of thought or choice. You have Read More

Rex Murphy For Prime Minister

From Howard – More than ever through this world war, the first casualties, beyond the most vulnerable that were, outright murdered by their caregivers, were truths that were aggressively poisoned and over washed by government sponsored narratives and media. That the mainstream media has been complicit in the agendas of Genocide and Democide and in Read More

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