The Well Known Mysterious Stranger
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesSamuel Clemens was a great man and humanist. His work remains for generations to discover and enjoy but his books are harder to find in libraries and have in many cases been deemed irrelevant, inconvenient or harmful to the weak minded. They have been figuratively burned. Their library space has been replaced by feminine hygiene
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised – But It Might Be Censored
Social Studies . Songs For The ApocalypseSure, the cultural references are dated but this work of not so subtle sarcasm by Gil Scott-Heron could very easily be adapted to current world affairs and be used as a soundtrack to the Great Reset and Apocalypse. It’s not just about whether black lives matter or not, or toxic white yellow man Nazi Jew
Airdrie Council Not Happy With Provinces ResponseTo Bill 20 Concerns
Poly Tics . Social StudiesTo: The Office of the Premier; Danielle Smith Dear Premier Smith, I write to you again with confidence that your administration is making favorable decisions and developing policy for the greater benefit of all Albertans within Canada. I, along with other concerned Albertans continue to be engaged in municipal and provincial politics with limited favourable response. Even with
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesWithout getting into the details or context of any program, religion, ideology or belief system, the following statements are quite compelling. God or any perceived higher power can be conceptualized if only to facilitate acknowledgement that you are powerless over certain things and that humility can lead to courage and empowerment. The idea is to
Playing Peek-A-Boo With Mom
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesThe Science : Children For those of us who have played peek-a-boo with babies or young children, their reactions can vary from encouraging giggles to perhaps cues of discomfort because we are no longer visible for a brief moment. Important cognitive and emotional development happens when playing peek-a-boo. Babies are slowly grasping the concept of
Letter To Government About The Dangers Of The W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty
Poly Tics . Social StudiesDear Health Minister LaGrange and Premier Smith, As you are aware, the looming proposed agreement by The World Health Organization is still undergoing talks and negotiations between governments and non-government organizations to create a global framework for pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response. You must also be aware that this proposed agreement poses an existential
So Bill-20 Is A Good Thing? Explain.
Poly TicsDear Premier Smith, I am expressing my interest in the tabled Bill 20 and how it might help in ensuring that our municipal governments conduct themselves on our behalf in a transparent and accountable manner. The Airdrie City View newspaper is certainly on top of the recent Provincial Government’s tabling of Bill 20. This
This Will Destroy You
Social Studies . Songs For The ApocalypseI don’t remember how or where I first heard anything from the brilliant, Icelandic troubadours called Sigur Ros but I know that it was in 2008, when I was living in exile and looking for peace, power and meaning – in a place that some of both, but only under the right circumstances. I won’t
We Don’t Have To Answer Your Questions
Poly Tics . Social StudiesTo: Peter Brown Cc: Heather Spearman;;;; Hello Mayor Brown, Welcome back from your hiatus. You had e-mailed me asking if I had received a response to the most recent correspondence with questions that I had sent to you all. I am forwarding the response I received from Heather Spearman. As you will