Are Mask Mandates Coerced Autoerotic Asphyxiation?
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesAutoerotic asphyxiation ( variously called asphyxiophilia, hypoxyphilia, or breath control play ) is the intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for the purposes of sexual arousal. The term is used when the act is done by a person to themselves or when the Clintons want to Hillary you. Colloquially, a person engaging in the activity is sometimes called a ‘gasper’. Gaspers derive a sense of sexual arousal from lack of oxygen to the brain. To each their own, of course, but the sense of danger and the risk of death or discovery must add to the physical aphrodisial quality of the act. Dopamine and Endorphins are natural heroins produced by the body that can heighten and or sedate. Their effects are enhanced by hypoxia. Gaspers have been known to orgasm during sleep. Quite the thing. Mask wearing, whether mandated or voluntary, reduces the intake of oxygen to the brain. CO2, when inhaled, reduces oxygen to the brain. CO2 is used to kill lab animals. Do dying lab rats and bunnies experience ecstasy when they draw their last breath? Where is PETA on this? There might also be an added thrill of inhaling ones own biowaste. Filth therapy.
Mask wearing, even though it has been soundly proven to be useless against the transmission and acquisition of the mystery virus, is key to controlling populations by creating a perfect storm of fear, addiction and sexual gratification. One can only imagine the arousal experienced by mask wearing police, with guns and power, when they are gassing and clubbing people or running them down with cars, bicycles and on horseback. The micro or macro orgasms experienced by public health officials and bylaw enforcement officers must require them to wear adult undergarments. Diapers both ends. The threat of dehydration must add to the thrill. Mutual orgasm is ideal no?
Various ‘progressive’ publications and sex and lifestyle magazines, including the Leftist fact distorting Wikipedia, go to great lengths to legitimize the act and advocate it’s use with tips on how to do it safely. One safety tip calls for the AA practitioner to come up with a ‘Safe Word’ and to say it right before you lose consciousness. Safety is job one. ‘SAFETY!’ would be a good safe word. The progressive Left has always promoted safe sex and AIDS research but also promote the killing of babies when you can’t practice safe, sick sex. AA is one of the few sexual practices that remain hush taboo…unless celebrities are involved. Sometimes an AA celebrity casualty is trotted out quickly and buried after a candlelight vigil. A-list casualties die in privacy and usually die of ‘mysterious’ circumstances or cardiac arrest. The hush taboo is presumably to not inspire young people to try it just as Liberal educators sexualize children to presumably protect them from sex with pedophiles and other politicians…and rich folk. The hypocrisy of the Left cannot be restrained. They promote pedophilia, teach gender dysphoria, allow trans story time in kindergartens and gender and racial discrimination. They allow men to beat women in sports but somehow want to protect children from AA because they care about the safety and happiness of little girls and little boys.
This is no laughing matter. Then again…
Click to like ‘Obesely Speaking’ on Facebook, be notified of new posts, and follow me on Twitter. Billi Gordon Ph.D. wrote an article for Psychology Today in 2014 titled ‘Well Hung – ‘Erotic Asphyxiation Is Sexual Heroin’. According to Wikipedia, Gordon graduated from Dowagiac Union High School and later entered the University of Michigan but left during his freshman year to move to Los Angeles. In L.A. he worked as an escort, earning up to $12,000/hr. until 1982 when he became a woman and worked as an alternative model and appeared on more greeting cards than any other model in the world. During his life his weight fluctuated between 300 and close to 1000 pounds. Somewhere during his life he obtained a Ph.D. in neuroscience. He appeared in ‘triumphant’ films such as ‘Coming To America’ and ‘The Party Animal’ and wrote a book called ‘You’ve Had Worse Things in Your Mouth’. He was clearly an intelligent guy. Harris Glenn Milstead, also known as ‘Divine’, was more fun.
You always choke before you get one off.
Because sometimes you just gotta belt it out.
Was disappointed. The movie had nothing to do with autoerotic asphyxiation.
Every time I see a noose around his neck or a hood over his head, I don’t know if he’s coming or going.
As with anything about this fake PANDEMIC RESET CRISIS GENOCIDE, jokes aren’t funny anymore. Nothing is funny anymore. Even the footage of screaming, unhinged Karens or Kyles going ballistic because someone isn’t enjoying the mask orgasm can’t produce even a head shaking smile. Orgasms are supposed to relieve tension and relax people. WHAT THE INTERCOURSE IS GOING ON? Is it any wonder that so many people don’t need to be coerced into constant orgasm? Oxygen deprivation causes ignorance. Ignorance is truly bliss.
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