This Is What You Want…This Is What you Get – The Order of Death – Another Nutty Foil Hat, Black Pill Rant
Poly Tics . Social Studies . Songs For The Apocalypse
This is What You Want…This is What You Get is the fourth album by post Sex Pistols, British after punk band Public Image Ltd. The song was written as a cynical response to both their record label demanding marketable hits and their fans that accused them of selling out.
“At the time people were saying that I’d joined big business and become a bourgeois shit. So I thought the best way of tackling this would be to pump out a song saying “That’s exactly what I am!” Tongue firmly in cheek. And that kind of stopped that nonsense – so it worked.” – John Lydon 1993
Ironically enough, the song became the biggest hit of Public Image Ltd.’s catalogue, peaking at #5 in the UK and #3 in Ireland.
Too few false and true Canadians have been interested and open enough to understand that the last few years of the globalist march to tyranny has put the once valued democratic process and concept of freedom and self determination in existential peril all over the world.
As we come to the next phase, the next chapter in the deconstructionist re-telling of the myth that is Canada, let us pause and reflect. There. Okay…enough of that.
While those of you hard working ‘Canadians’ that had any dignity or sense of family, community or national pride were struggling within the myth of Canada to pay half of your earnings in taxes to support your families and a mob population of welfare addicts and other degenerate socialists, champagne or otherwise, THE GREAT RESET was swinging wildly, calmly, quietly and loudly.
The powers that ought nought to be and their NPC army just voted for the old elitest male white globalist banker they rallied and voted and frothed against as being a racist, misogynist capitalist. He was one of the architects of the net zero banking alliance while profiting from the mining and marketing of coal and other high ‘carbon’ industries. He spent years pressuring banks to cut off funding for Canadian oil and gas, working with global elites to strangle Alberta’s economy. He was a disaster for the U.K.’s economy while advising the illigitimate government of Canada on programs that would advance the destruction here. He does not hold a seat in parliament. He has never held elected public office. He refuses to disclose or lies about his financial or ideological interests. He spews toxic gaslight. Orwell and Huxley could not have written a better script…and had it televised and netted for modern consumption.
Now he’s stepping in to finish the job Trudeau started – to continue the legacy. What is the Liberal legacy of the last nine years?
- scandals and corruption without accountability
- doubling of the national debt
- free street drugs and 50,000 and counting annual overdose deaths
- tent cities, homelessness and breadlines
- a revolving door justice system for violent crimes and terrorist acts
- a shrinking the economy
- a mass immigration and invasion disaster
- the push for digital I.D. and currency
- a loss of free speech under a fake charter
- financial terrorism
- violent beatdowns of peaceful protesters
- the sexualization and mutilation of children
- the marginalization and abuse of women and girls
- medical tryanny and experimentation without informed consent
- the loss of property rights
- the acceleration of U.N. Agendas 21 and 30
- a defiled and useless fake Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- the escalation of parallel societies and loss of any healthy national identity
- the selling out of Canada to the World Economic Forum
- a war on the white Christian male
- a terror campaign on what is good about being human and moral
- made public health a military operation using clubs, horses, gas and guns
- made euthanasia a fashionable solution
- made totalitarianism pallatable and hip
- immasculated and inject the military with bioweapons and gender ideology
- divide a nation by as many lines as possible
- made hate fashionable
And on and on etc. etc.
Do you actually vote in any elections or selections? Does your vote count for anything? Do you belong to a political club or constituancy for comfort or effect? Are you apathetic? Are you too electronically and digitally distracted and complacent because you havn’t been hurt enough?
Will you opt for MAiD service?
Perhaps you didn’t really want any of this and perhaps you don’t deserve what you are going to get. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time. It is as Canadian as beaver pelts, American Horton’s and maple syrup. Perhaps you reap what you sow. Perhaps you don’t.
Will you just give up. Will you fight or flee?
Where will you go?
This is what you want…this is what you get.
The lyrics are profound.
You could be wrong but you might be right.
Carry on.
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