Month: February 2025

The Poisoning of Wells – A Weapon of War

From: “Al Neitsch” <>To: “Office of the Premier” <>, “Health Minister” <>, “Airdrie-Cochrane” <>, “MA Minister” <>, “infrastructure minister” <>Cc:, “Peter Brown” <>, “tina petrow” <>, “Heather Spearman” <>, “ron chapman” <>, “al jones” <>, “darrell belyk” <>, “Candice Kolson” <>Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 9:50:26 AMSubject: Fw: The Poisoning of Wells To Our Elected and Unelected Public Servants, Read More


The trend of pop-up memorials is all to familiar. The passionate orations and utterances of ‘Hearts or Thoughts and Prayers’ seem to be on repeat in so many parts of the world where ‘Cultural Enrichment’ was forced on the western world. The pop-ups are now an automatic response from population now enured to tragedy and Read More


The following letter will shortly be sent to the Premier of Alberta, some lapdog Members of Legislature and various City of Airdrie, Alberta, United Nations owned councillors and It’s Worship, the mayor. There will be some editing before I hit send. It will be sent knowing that it may not be read or even acknowledged. Read More

Who Is Dr. Thomas Sowell?

February is Black History Month. Why doesn’t this man get a statue? He is roundly disliked, hated, dismissed and cancelled by WOKE Liberals and Democrats. Why do BLM racists label him an Uncle Tom? Why? Is it because his work and wisdom and ethical success grates against the popular Cultural Marxist victim narrative and propaganda? Read More

Stop Making Sense

No. I’m not talking about the Talking Heads live concert film. Some other time perhaps. There is no making sense of any of it – trying to figure how life can be brutal and beautiful at the same time. At birth I was given a body and brain. My five or six senses, among other Read More

The Content Of One’s Character – Hero Or Villian?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day falls on January 20th. Let us genuflect and pray. Surely there is a flag to be flown at half mast or quarter mast. Take the knee if you have to. There is no question that MLKJR was a positive historical figure in the long, painful march for freedom and human Read More