Dear Leader Letter # 27 – Lies, Misinformation, Or Incompetence?
Poly Tics . Social StudiesFROM THE MEMORY HOLE – Hello All, The outgoing CAO, Paul Schultz, heavily compensated no doubt, was quoted quite extensively in the City View article from Nov.30, 2021. Is he leaving because he got caught publicly lying to the citizens of Airdrie? Was there some other intrigue? What is the truth here? Peter, you
Perspective On Aging
Mutterings And MurmursThe Stranger in My House by Rose Madeline Mula This is a link to more information on the author. This story was passed on to me from the sister of my mother. She is my aunt. Her name is Tante Elli. Tante Elli didn’t know where the story came from but after some sleuthing,
Dear Leader Letter # 24 Gaslit – Lit Up
Poly Tics . Social StudiesResponse To Reply. To All, A main component of ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ (*) which is responsible for much of the malfeasance and harm that has been done to Canadians by both government and non-government agencies over the last three years consists of a form of manipulation called ‘Gaslighting’. Gaslighting seems to be an inherent
These Are Future Ruins
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesIf any band of bloody genius musicians could ever rise again from a powerful but much overlooked and under listened history to produce the songs of a failing generation in existential times, Swervedriver could. They pondered younger, carefree days and faced dystopia through the nineties and continue now into the modern, existential present with sustained
Dear Leader Letter # 21 -What Happened To The Country Doctor?
Poly Tics . Social StudiesIt’s not a secret and does not qualify as a conspiracy anymore. ‘Agenda 21/30’ and ‘Vision 2050’ are published plans being put into action right now. The depopulation of rural areas is one of several key components to achieve sustainable development goals. The controlled collapse of rural infrastructure and services are under way. From: Al
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesRepressive Tolerance, Lack of Perspective, and The Right Side of History From: Al Neitsch <>Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 10:07:34 AMTo: Al Neitsch <>; <>; Peter Brown <>; Airdrie-Cochrane <>; Airdrie-East <>; <> Hello All, Happy Canada Day! In this era of ‘repressive tolerance’, and in spite of limited personal resources, I
Communicating With The Dead – A Series
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesTo Alleged Caregivers Living Or Dead, Imagine finding your mother, if you had one, in a dishevelled state, wearing dirty and wet clothes sitting asleep in a wet chair, wrapped in a blanket, in a corner of a room that should be filled with personal effects and clean clothing. The room and cupboards