Month: May 2022

Tartar Sauce, Mud Floods, and Giants, and Why the Hell Not?

Tartar sauce originated in France as sauce tartare, named after the Tatars, who settled in the Ukraine and parts of Russia. The French, in producing this mayonnaise or aioli-based sauce, may have based the “tartar” moniker upon their own varied spelling of the Tatar name, which was “Tartare”. Some Definitions : : a sauce that Read More

Notley Wants Women Post-Abortion To Get Bereavement Leave Entitlement – Alberta Report

Portions by Amanda Brown Alberta’s NDP Opposition leader, Rachel Notley, suggested it’s time for women who have had an abortion to be allowed paid bereavement leave. Her announcement came over a Twittering Twat Twitter feed recently. “NDP Women’s Issues Critic @JanisIrwin sent this amendment to UCP Labour Minister Kaycee Madu in hopes of formally recognizing Read More

Don’t Be A Chicken – Don’t Play Dead

Only humans with a will to survive will live through what is coming. Most animals, wild or captive have an instinct or will to survive. They have a highly developed ‘fight or flight’ response to threats. Most animals have a natural instinct to protect their young from predators whereas humans, sub or otherwise, will gladly Read More

The Jazz Butcher

The Jazz Butcher was the road running, galloping, well greased jalopy of prolific singer/songwriter Pat Fish, an exceptional British eccentric whose sharp observational wit and musical cleverness navigated the group through over a decade of constant lineup shifts, stylistic mutations, and even a series of name changes, which found the band performing variously — and apparently randomly Read More