G.K. Chesterton Quoted
Social StudiesI’ve heard his name in the past and a few quotes here and there but never really looked into the man and his works. He is one one those minds that seems to have nailed the human condition to the point where, upon reflection, could be seen as visionary. He lived and worked in a
Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov
Poly Tics . Social Studies“The useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. They serve a purpose only
The New Slavery
Poly Tics . Social StudiesIt was only commerce after all. That black Africans sold other black Africans who resold them to white and black slave traders was capitalism in action. The slave commodity increased in value each time slaves were traded or sold like sports trading cards. But slaves had greater vale, that is of course unless you had
These Could Be The Best Of Times
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesThere has always been criticism of parallel societies that exist within the society or culture they were born into or a society or culture that welcomed them. They continued their cultural norms, established parallel economies and societies because they had the freedom to do so. The phenomenon does not encourage assimilation but rather a divisive
Marilyn Manson
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesSome people give great faith or weight to celebrity comment perceived as wisdom or just like to dabble in tabloid culture, looking for reasons to hate anything that conflicts with their sense of what normal is, or more accurately, anything that conflicts with what has prominently been shoved, crammed, and hammered into their subconscious to
Um, Before You Wave And Get Behind That Flag
Poly Tics . Social Studies“Everyone, including the North Koreans, tend to identify with the place they were born, and the state that rules them. But that should be fairly low on any list of virtues. Nationalism is the belief that my country is the best country in the world just because I happen to have been born there. It’s
Fake Genocide Mass Graves Masquerade
Mutterings And Murmurs . Poly Tics . Social StudiesSix things the media got wrong about the graves found near Residential Schools By Candace Malcolm – True North July 12, 2021 When it comes to the coverage of graves identified near residential schools in three First Nations communities, the legacy media in Canada has done a tremendous disservice to all Canadians – especially First