17.5,000,000,000,000,000,000,003 Reasons To Be Injected With Experimental Genocidal Poison – TBC
Mutterings And Murmurs . Social StudiesBodily Autonomy is supposed to be a highly prized and protected right of all human beings that have adopted a Democratic Society. Once you accept the narrative and the offered or mandated and coerced injections you no longer have control of your own body. You no longer have freedom of thought or choice. You have forfeited your rights and freedoms forever. People world wide have been frightened and fooled into believing that a pandemic exists and that the only path to salvation, safety, and a future, is any and all repeated injections of an unknown toxin whose ingredients and efficacy won’t be known until St. Swithins Day or 2076 whichever comes first. While there can be empathy for whatever reasons are given to take the shots, how can there be sympathy for the outcomes when there are so many reasons not to? But still we love the ones we love regardless of their choices. People have been forced into horrible times and to make difficult choices. This Genocide could be spun in to an argument for self extinction or suicide since people are seemingly willing to gamble away the futures of their and their family’s lives. The acts of coercion and threat and fear indicate that the immediate goal is to have as many humans and, and for some insane reason zoo animals injected with the poison. The longer term goals outlined in ‘The Great Reset’ and Agenda 21/30 would indicate that mass death and depopulation is the ultimate goal. To do or not do is the question. There is no try. A Spielberg creature said this I think. Hopefully only the worst lot of Liberals, Democrats, their mob of miscreants and child traffickers and molesters, and all Globalists, criminals and politicians get the real injections that contain the toxic ingredients meant to harm and kill everyone else. Let them all die horribly. Let them bleed out and their organs liquefy. Let Hannibal have them, take them, afterwards.
The reasons to take Experimental, Genocidal Poison, in random order are:
- I want to dine in a trendy restaurant with my kind of people, the power elite, and laugh like there’s nothing wrong
- I’m just tired of all this bullshit
- My savings are gone
- I want to do right by my family
- Because I am blind, you see. That’s why I hate you
- To spite the sane
- I am a serial narcissist – I am worth it
- Craft beer culture is important to me
- The World Economic Forum (WEF) knows what is best for me
- The United Nations (UN) knows what is best for me
- Because the virus and variants exist…they do…really!
- I’m all about love but I hate anti vaxxers
- A paid WOKE, child abusing, adrenochrome gulping celebrity with black and teary eyes told me to
- Well, I’m a man, yes I am, and I can’t help but love you so – Spencer Davis Group
- Well, I’m a man, yes I am, and I can’t help but love you so – a re-united Chicago (Leonid & Friends Cover)
- I am woman, hear me roar. In numbers too big to ignore. And I know too much to go back and pretend. – Helen Reddy
- I am Karen, hear me screech – “Where’s your mask…damn it!”
- My name is Karen, nuff said
- My God told me to
- Because, ‘Look, Kids have strokes and heart attacks too! What’s the big deal?’
- The Devil made me do it
- The Tik Tok celebrities and nurse and doctors are so cute
- Satan is sexy
- All truth is a conspiracy theory
- Because my doctor said he’d share his payoff with me. I trust him
- Because you are a COVIDIOT. Go fuck yourself!
- Myocarditis is sexy
- Bells Palsy is super sexy, especially the drooling and shaking
- ‘Because The Night’ – Patti Smith (the armpit hair years)
- I am afraid of death and suffering so I welcome it
- I have nothing and I am happy. Why not?
- I will have nothing and I will be in a constant state of bliss
- ‘I Have Nothing’ – Whitney Houston (She had it all but still found life insufferable enough to be injected with poison)
- CBC tells the truth…always
- Rich people know better
- Because I want to be safe always…k?
- Because I want to be the master of my universe
- I want to join a death cult like the Jehovah’s Witnesses but don’t like being a magazine seller or having people tell me to go fuck myself
- I know my rights damn it!
- Just because
- ‘Because I’m a lover, not a fighter. And I’m telling you it’s Impetigo!’ – Michael Jackson (creator of Neverland)
- ‘I Wanna New Drug’ – Huey Lewis (yeah, I know)
- I want to get the full benefit of 5G
- Transhumanism is sexy
- I believe that truth are lies and that lies are truth but I’m not really smart enough to know the difference
- Wal Mart is sexy
- My life was nothing before, now I have a purpose
- I want to go to a mall and spend money I don’t have
- I want a pedi/mani at a salon that serves drinks and little cucumber sandwiches
- I want a haircut
- Costco is a religion to me.
- ” I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me ” – Beck
- Because bowling pin
- I am frightened into compliance
- I want to work at a job that can support my family
- I don’t want to lose my job
- I don’t want to lose my license to practice sane and humane medicine
- I like to go along to get along
- Implied consent is good enough for me. Inject my children too
- I want to be classed as healthy
- I want to travel using inhumane air travel to places that I can’t afford
- I want to go to a cinema so I can watch WOKE movies with noisy, snufflig pigs
- I want to be able to go out without an oxygen barrier to prove that I am virtuous and faithful to the narrative
- I want to get back to normal
- I want a massage with a happy ending
- I want to live
- I want to die
- I want to avoid being bullied…but not bullying. I like being a bully
- I want to avoid arrest
- I want to avoid segregation and forced isolation
- I want to watch professional sports and drink $10 beer
- I’ll need to buy food
- I’ll need to pay my mortgage or rent
- I’ll need to drive my car
- I want to be safe
- I want to have friends
- I don’t want to be sent to a concentration camp
- I don’t want to be locked into my place of residence
- I don’t want to have to eat my pet
- I don’t want to be punished
- I want to be loved
- I don’t want my family to die
- I want to keep getting CERB or social assistance
- I want a mocha latte with a cool pattern on the top
- I want to receive health care and a pension that I paid into
- I want to be virtuous without having virtue
- I want to be self righteous without any other proof
- QR codes are sexy
- Illness and death is sexy
- Tyranny is sexy
- Oppression is sexy
- Stupidity is endearing
- I want to set myself up for further poisonous injections
- Strokes are sexy
- Heart attacks are sexy
- Starvation is not sexy
- Thin is in
- I want to go to sexy Satanic rapper concerts and possibly die
- I want my child to play organized sports until they die
- I want to go to art galleries because damn it I’m special
- I want to go to poorly maintained public swimming pools…for healthy activity and fun
- I want to fit in when I am forced to use public transit
- I want to impress my date
- I want to be a good dad/mom/thing
- I like being told what to do
- Fascists are uber sexy
- Communism is sexy
- Genocide is sexy
- Democide is sexy
- I like needles
- I like watching people die
- I trust the science
- I trust the government
- I trust the mainstream media
- I trust public health care
- I am a moron sheep
- I want to make my personal pilgrimage to Mecca and be trampled to a pulp by the panicked herd
- Because… (muffled)
- HIV is sexy
- Cancer is sexy
- Blood clots are sexy
- Myocarditis is sexy
- Bill C-7 is sexy
- Fauci is sexy
- The WHO is sexy
- The UN is sexy
- Health Canada is trustworthy
- That guy Theresa Tam sure is sexy…hubba hubba
- Humanity is unimportant to me
- I want access to the promised land
- I want to go the a library that offers only progressive Liberal materials and children’s stories about buggery and interference. Also, trans story time is essential
- I don’t like bats
- Because I hope to travel to Wuhan, China to shop at the market
- Because I want a doughnut
- ‘I Wanna Be Adored’ – The Stone Roses
- I want to meet Satan
- I want to meet God
- Klaus Schwab is sexy
- I am a eediot
- I am easily manipulated
- Oxygen deprivation has made me stupid
- I want to meet people
- I’m lonely
- I am entitled
- I am worthy
- I want a green pass
- I want a VAX pass
- I want a pass pass
- I want a health pass to prove my robust health
- Membership has it’s privileges
- I trust technocrats
- I trust bureaucrats
- AHS cares about my well being
- I believe what my phone gadget tells me…wait, I need to get this
- Death gives me power
- I like the fact that extremely fit athletes can die just like a miserable wreck like me
- I can carry on a meaningless, purposeless life of accumulation and waste
- I have finally realized the meaningless and purposelessness of life and choose a cowards end
- Doctors are Gods
- Fuck granny…I want to live damn it!
- Cognitive dissonance makes me powerful
- I love power
- I enjoy slavery
- Inhumanity is sexy
- Death or the threat of death is sexy
- I feel like an Xmen/She/Her
- A Twerking butt, shaking Satanic Death Cult Pop Rap Music Whore Star told me to
- I believe in Lord Omicron
- Because my credit cards are maxxed…I want GBI
- Because I believe in a green economy
- I am Kyle, hear me mince and whine
- Because Greta Thunberg said so
- Because Greta is sexy
- I believe in unicorns
- Trudeau still has good hair. I was right about him
- To not take the poison is racist
- Graphene oxide is sexy
- It’s a brave new world, and I want to be a part of it
- Because ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ is a thing
- Virus culture is sexy
- Because cheesies
- Because cases are rising
- Because ERs are swamped
- Because Jason Kenney like LBs in Thailand
- Because the good people at Pzifer care
- Because I want to ‘Stay Sick’ – The Cramps
- Because my cat loves fancy feast
- I want a bunk bed
- I want pancakes
- Because truth is for losers
- Because I’m a security guard at a dollar store or a bank with no skills and sub par intelligence but want the power that a poisonous injection can give me
- (We are winning) نحن نفوز
- Hitler ist auferstanden. Er ist so sexy. Wir brauchen eine neue Weltordung. (Hitler has risen. He is still so sexy. We need a new world order)
- ~!@#$%^&*()_+/?|\!!!!
- 因为我很傻 (Because I am stupid)
- потому что я дебил (Because I am a moron)
- parce que le pool génétique a besoin d’être rafraîchi (Because the gene pool needs refreshing)
- porque a cultura de oliva vai melhorar (Because the olive crop will improve)
- (We are winning big time)نحن نفوز
- Informed consent is for losers
- Because I just don’t want to know
- I prefer to die enslaved than live free
- Why not? I’m high
- Porque tenemos tanta hambre (Because we are so very hungry)
- Because pangolins, dogs, ferrets, and bats died to make the poison injections. Go PETA!
- Because climate change. EEEEEKKKKK!
- The CDC knows what is best for me
- Trudeau is a pedophile nincompoop…all is lost
- Menjetek, baszd meg magatokat. (Go fuck yourselves! – Romanian)
- Wszyscy idziecie się pieprzyć (Go fuck yourselves! – Polish)
- Because I was born to die…bring it
- Because my cousin is getting married in Mexico for the third time and I want to go
- Because I can’t take a knee
- Because I took the knee
- Because Black Lives Matter
- Autism was sexy. Death is orgasmic
- Bingo is my life, let me have it
- Because it’s better than heroin…I hear
- I am easily enabled
- Because I am confident that all the proposed and forced ‘therapies’ are both safe and effective
- I am confident that the orchestrators and facilitators are in this with us and have taken the ‘therapies’ being forced on us
- Because I don’t what to be shot and fall into a lime filled pit
- I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn’t me tonight
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It’s alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I’m real
See the pretty girl in the mirror there
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running and dancing for joy
For I’m loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
*Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim written for ‘West Side Story’ and best sung by Julie Andrews who once bared her breasts for her role in S.O.B. I think the world really started to spiral then.
221. Because I like movie theatre popcorn with lots of re-cycled yellow grease on it and expensive candy and watered down sodas and sitting next to twittering Tictok twats with illuminated faces chattering to their idiot vaxxed peeps instead of watching the movie
222. Because I don’t want to be pepper sprayed
223. Because I don’t want to be shot in the back with plastic bullets
224. Because I don’t want to be trampled by Percheron draft horses or drowned with water canons
225. “I am human and I want to be loved” – (How Soon Is Now) The Smiths
226. Maybe I’ll be part of the control group that gets the saline
227. Tasers hurt
228. Collapsible batons hurts
229. I enjoy eating at MacDonalds – it’s the atmosphere
230. It’s better than crack cocaine I hear
231. Because it cures cancer…doesn’t it?
232. Because I want to help flatten the curve after the first fourteen days
2332. Because mental illness is a terrible thing
233. Yes, that’s right. I tried to cheat
234. Because I’m Bipolar – I’m and sad about it at the same time
235. Thalidomide is so passe’
236. Because it will ease my anxiety about not having any real morality
237. My bestie did it, so should I
238. Because death is slimming
239. Because I am responsible for the wellness of all mankind
240. To free up space in long term care facilities
241. Guinea pigs are cute
242. Because Sandy Hook really happened
243. Because 9/11 was caused by Islamic terrorists requiring the invasion of Iraq and was not an inside job
244. Because Chemtrails are asking me to
245. There are these voices in my head
246. “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, And I want it now!” – Queen
247. Because I want to be like mommy and daddy
248. Because “We demand the finest wines known to humanity and we want them here and we want them now!” – ‘Withnail and I”
249. “O ja, dats okay for now” – (something my dad would have said)
250. Because I want to go to a Foo Fighters concert
251. Hippocratic Oath, Shmipocratic Oath
252. Kay Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be -(Livingstone and Evan)
253. Mmmflbmsmaftf! – (masked response – Wheres your mask!!!!)
254. ‘Because Of You’ – Kelly Clarkson
255. Cuz we’re an American band, we’re comin to your town, we’ll help you part down – (Grand Funk Railroad)
256. Because Down Syndrome is sexy
257. Because Ivermectin is a horse dewormer
258. Cuz I’m Popeye the Sailor Man – (Pop-Eye)
259. Cuz yo mama!
260. Because I am a God, I drive a Jaguar
261. Because freedom is for free people
262. Because I’m a taker, not a giver
263. Because I’m a giver, not a taker
264. Because I’ve never wanted to die so bad before – I like it
265. Spike Protein is a cereal, isn’t it? I like cereal
266. Because I’ve never been cremated before
267. Because ‘That good ol’ hockey game, is the best game you can name – (Stompin Tom)
268. Because it’s like Russian Roulette. I love danger thrill kill stuff. Pull the trigger!
269. Because Gimme!
270. Because ‘Sisters, sister, – There were never such devoted sisters’ – Irving Berlin
271. Because I hate being confronted by unkempt, masked creatures, with bad footwear in uniform
272. Because those Fauci lab dogs had it coming
273. Because my teacher is going to give it to me anyway without telling mommy and daddy
274. I don’t want my daughters choked and groped by Australian cops
275. I don’t want to dig my own lime filled pit
276. I think I would enjoy digging my own lime filled pit
277. Transhumanism turns me on
278. The AHS is only following orders. I respect authority even if it is unwise
279. That Deena Hinshaw is one hot robot
280. Because I just can’t wait to see how Agenda 21, Agenda 30, and The Great Reset turn out. It’s gonna be great!
281. Because a 99.7 natural recovery rate is not good enough. I demand perfection!
282. Because I like the idea of a Universal Basic Income
283. I am easily influenced by mainstream media chirons
284. I identify as a superior demented being. I deserve to die
285. Cuz I’m going to Wal Mart anyway…might as well. I like living better and saving more
286. Because I don’t want to be clubbed like a baby seal
287. Because if the experts could prove to me that any of the MRNA gene altering toxic genocidal injections would cure my cancer, I just might consider it. It would be my choice
288. Because I want to take my six and ten year old kids to Disneyland. Perhaps the one and only time
289. Because if I can’t be ‘Patient Zero’ and enjoy the notoriety of being first, I want to die. Hit me!
290. Spontaneous abortions are purely co-incidental. Jab me!
291. I may not be a doctor but I am dumb. Hit me!
292. I’m a doctor. I am getting paid plenty. Next!
293. I’m no scientist but I trust them. I want the shots!
294. I am a funeral director. Take the shots!
295. I like the idea of endless boosters
296. I like stillbirths. They are so serene
297. I hear that the jabs improve the quality of breast milk
298. Shaking baby syndrome is interesting to me
299. Because Elvis told me to
300. I hear that adverse events will protect me from fluoride
301. 75% of children under the age of 12 that receive the genocide juice experience adverse reactions or die. Who cares? (from Pfizers own data)
302. I have an itchy foot. Gimme!
303. In surrender there is bliss
304. The unregistered nurses with unpolished shoes say it won’t hurt a bit
305. The experts say that it’s like freezing to death except for the pain. When you freeze to death you go numb, your body turns to ice and fall asleep. When you take a jab you you might get AIDS or EBOLA. Your organs liquefy and you bleed out. Ouch!
306. I don’t care if I die, so long as they use the right pronoun when I do die
307. Because my favorite things are sports bars, wing night, and VLTs
308. Because I want to see the fucking Foo fighters!
309. Because black lives matter.
310. Because all lives matter.
311. Because every child matters.
312. Cuz I loves football.
313. Cuz I want a 5th wheel with a picture of a cougar or an elk or a saxophone on it.
314. …and a big truck.
315. Because a celebrity slut suggested that she/it/he might find me sexually attractive.
There is much work to be done to complete this list but there are surely no shortage of reasons, good, sad, or bad. With your help we can reach this goal. If we work together, we can get to 17.5,000,000,000,000,000, 000,003 world wide poisonous, genocidal injections and the reasons for them. The world population was rapidly approaching eight billion but everybody is going to need at least two hundred booster shots to make this thing a howling success. Think of Jerry’s kids! Think of all those exploding cancer cases! They will need your support. Give generously. Remember that poisonous, genocidal injections cure cancer, HIV, MS, Lupus, Fibro Myalgia, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Shingles, Hong Kong Hangnails, Prolapse Thrombosis Piles, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Ondine’s Curse and everything but the common cold or flu…or they might cause them. Give with reckless abandon to the Children’s Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Feel free to make suggestions of sound reasons in the comments.
No doubt you will all have your reasons for doing so.
Bill Gates has promised to re-marry Mel if all goes well. The virtual sex was great.
Or not.

Will the Globalist Government Pharmaceutical Complex (GGPC) put you into concentration camps for further punishment and experimentation or will they release you from them to live out your normal lifespan as a sovereign being?
Some unproven therapies are making a comeback in the camps.
“There will be no access for the un-injected!” Or. “Trust me, you don’t wanna go in there”
The elusive and un-isolated virus is now the proven rabies of humankind, of our times.
What happy fun!
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